Friday, February 23, 2018


From A Preschooler's Perspective

Preschooler: Have you seen "Fuller House"?
Teacher: No, I haven't.
Preschooler: Well, you really should. I've seen it twice! (pause) Well, actually, I don't know what twice means ... but I've seen it a lot!


In the preschool, our science curriculum includes hands-on (and sometimes messy) investigations of various objects and substances. Some favorite items to manipulate, observe and experience are the various types of sticky, stretchy and slimy materials that we make out of various household ingredients. These go by an assortment of names such as slime, oobleck, goop and gak. Whatever they are called, the following photos clearly show that the preschoolers just love to get their hands on (and in) all of that slippery, sloppy, slithery stuff!