About the Samuel Morey Preschool

About the Samuel Morey Preschool

The Rivendell Early Childhood Program (RECP) was created in 2001 to coordinate a continuum of quality early education services within a school context, promote the joy of learning, and engage families in the education of their children. At that time, the program was based in a single classroom in the Westshire Elementary School.

In 2007, the RECP expanded to include a second classroom in the Samuel Morey Elementary School. Since that time, the emphasis at the Samuel Morey Preschool has been on providing an exceptional child-centered educational experience that supports children’s learning and well-being in all of the domains (social/emotional, physical/health, language, literacy, creative expression, mathematics, science, and social studies) set forth in the Vermont Early Learning Standards. In addition, parental and family inclusion and involvement have been a central focus of the Samuel Morey Preschool philosophy. Of great importance to us is the essential concept that children should learn through their preschool experience that school is an exciting, joyful, caring and rewarding place to be.

For further information and insight regarding our approach to teaching and caring for young children, please see the Curriculum and Learning, Photos and Tall Towers sections of this blog!

Rob Reade has been the lead teacher at the Samuel Morey Preschool since it began in 2007. He can be reached at the Samuel Morey School at 802-333-9755 or at rreade@rivendellschool.org.