Saturday, September 9, 2017

First Day(s) of School!

Welcome to the Samuel Morey Preschool blog! In addition to offering an ongoing view of our current preschool activities, through this blog you can access (through the tabs): general background information about our program, "bios" of the staff, thoughts on our approach to curriculum and learning, photos and artwork from past years, and parental input about the preschool. Hopefully you will enjoy the journey through our preschool blog! 

Welcome (or welcome back) everyone to our 11th year in the Samuel Morey preschool. It has been a busy, exciting, and fun beginning to the new school year! Please remember that parents are always welcome to come by and spend time with us in the classroom, and also that if you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at any time during the school day.
You should already have received All About the Preschool Staff  as well as the family collage “homework assignment”. If either of these handouts have not found their way home, please let me know.

Announcements and Reminders

Set of Spare Clothing

If you have not sent in a full set of spare clothing for your child (shirt, pants, underwear, socks), please do so. Make sure they are in a labeled bag. We will be storing them in the flowered dresser.

Play Dough

We love to use play dough in the preschool. We will be relying on parents to make it for us. So, if you can, please help us out by sending in some fresh play dough. There is a play dough sign-up sheet on the sign-in table.

Got Critters?

We love to observe critters in the classroom as part of our science curriculum - and this is a great time of year to do so. So if you happen to come across any cool bugs, caterpillars, salamanders, frogs, turtles, snakes, etc. please bring them in for us to examine close up!

From a Preschooler's Perspective

Preschooler: "Do you know what red and green make?"
Teacher: "What do they make?"
Preschooler: "Christmas!"

First Day(s) of School!